
Why have we actually started a blog now? 


There are countless audio blogs and even numerous blogs about Audio und die Radiowelt im Allgemeinen. In „apropos audio“ möchte ich mich allerdings besonders auf die Geschäftsmodelle fokussieren, die auf diesem wunderbaren Medium Audio beruhen.
Es gibt so viel zu berichten und zu diskutieren über diese vielseitige und spannende Branche. Vorrangig also über audiobasierte Geschäftsmodelle sowie neue Trends und Entwicklungen. Aber auch über Detailfragen, z. B. den Einsatz von Audio am „Point of Sale“ und die Konvergenz in der Abbildung von medienübergreifenden Werbekampagnen.

And also, about general topics of the future of the audio branch relevant to the business such as digital transformation, the connection between linear and digital media or programmatic enhancement of the medium “audio”.

In a nutshell, I want to use my blog "speaking of audio" to direct the attention of as many readers as possible towards this new economic sector and keep them up to date on the News and Facts of the industry. I want to expand the circle of audio fans and at the same time provide a platform for an open exchange of opinions, for example, through contributions by guest authors.

The opinions expressed may be quite controversial. Why not? We are enriched by other perspectives. And we learn from them.

Let's get going. I hope you find what you read interesting and look forward to a lively discussion.


Yours, Nico Aprile

Managing Director of aprile consulting GmbH
Managing Director of amily GmbH
Managing Director of amy GmbH