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Quo vadis Audio?

In a world that is increasingly focusing on sustainability, it is also assuming a central role in B2B sales. For those in sales at radio stations and audio marketers this not only means new challenges, but above all exciting opportunities to strengthen the brand, acquire customers and, in the long term, to be successful.

Sustainability in B2B Sales for Radio Stations and Audio Marketers

In a world that is increasingly focusing on sustainability, it is also assuming a central role in B2B sales. For those in sales at radio stations and audio marketers this not only means new challenges, but above all exciting opportunities to strengthen the brand, acquire customers and, in the long term, to be successful.

So this is the essence of radio?

In marketing, we often talk about the brand essence, the basis of a brand which defines its fundamental values, targets, and visions. Other marketing managers talk about USP, specifically the sales appeal that is offered and is used to differentiate a brand from the competition.
Durch die Stärkung des Innendienstes Umsatzpotenziale heben Dank klaren Aufgaben, gemeinsamem Upselling und Wertschätzung

Boost sales opportunities by strengthening the back office

What sales manager hasn’t had to deal with the following situation? A potential advertising client calls the radio station and requests information or offer documents and just happens to mention sending a query by email several days previously, but, unfortunately, still hasn’t received a response.